Sunday, September 9, 2012

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ow major also really would say unlucky ah ...
Submarine lights suddenly sparking shrill sirens echoed in each cabin.
The captain stood up suddenly jump up to go towards the cab. Wang Linbin and Hisao Koizumi stood up, perplexed sailors looked around hurriedly pass,shox nz 2.0, I do not know what happened. Stunned the will of God, two of this and ran toward the cab.
The submarine is dive. Two people stumbled into the wheelhouse, just to hear just an observation post in the above report with the captain.
... About nine thousand yards, three warships, one large and two small, just found out. Report of the captain, the two armies on the intelligence coordination, these waters there is no authentic nfl warships activities.
, Combat roles continue to dive, raised periscope periscope depth is reached, to maintain the level of one-third horsepower deceleration forward, sounding hammer throw! Understand, Captain. Have just said the same thing, but said at the time when the boats atmosphere seemed more relaxed, now feeling nervous, people feel very depressed. Overhead light into dark red, everyone in the cab and machine Phi can layer hazy reddish Wang Linbin quietly stand in captain captain behind, listening to the submarine down sneak, the sea extrusion submarines, issued a slight crunching sound, although the sound is very light, made Wang Linbin horror.
Has come to periscope depth,discount oakleys, raised periscope. Submarine dive ten meters has been to periscope depth. Hissing burst of motor rotation sound, the periscope rose up, the capta

Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Pen that is stupid.
Horizon's first counter-offer: five hundred million yuan to buy Century Group's marketing network, shares of discussion.
Be fair, this price tag acquisition of Century Group's marketing network, in fact, has gone far beyond the marketing network itself should be the value of the deal, if successful, Century Group has greatly earned a fortune but this strategy speaking, it is a failure. because Century Group must think of ways tied to zero companies with their own, or be replaced in the traditional high-cost personal computer industry, the loss may make more than a mere five hundred million zero (the actual nfl meaning) would rather spend millions to buy Century Group's marketing network, is not willing to sell their interest in it is also of Century Group unexpected.
Of course, the conditions Century Group certainly not accept it.
Wild speculations drive a hard bargain.
This is just the bottom line. Be able to get this outside of how much benefit The Century Group, it depends on the results of the negotiations.
Century Group understand the Horizon equity persistent, have no choice but to increase the price tag: 1.2 billion investment plus marketing network in exchange for a 10 percent stake.
the nfl even if the transfer of shares, it will not sell as ten percent, and his instructions counteroffer: the other investment billion in exchange for one's own four percent of the shares, plus of course, but also the marketing network.
Century Group on this outcome can only say reluctantly accepted, and another to make a request, fully exposed to their relationship with the Chinese Academy of Sciences - Anyway, this relationship is not a secret, exposed to nothing - that is, to give these Century Group The shares can not sell by the Chinese Academy of party. This is actually the in the invasion eliminate nfl control of shares.
nfl had intended to two percent in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his side two percent. way, he raise the price tag: it is the same pay, Century Group can only get a 2.3% stake.
Equity issues on both sides there is considerable disagreement.
Negotiators to talk about for a week, almost even one ten thousandth of the equity to be preoccupied with something. Course, Horizon's half-year profit to $ 8.0 billion (in fact only five months), one year can be achieved two billion, equity of one ten thousandth year, light dividends must be millions of calculations, the ten thousandth equity has been quite a lot.
Later,fake oakley sunglasses, the agreement reached in the Century Group has been a 2.5% stake.
This time of the negotiations, the time on the Century Group and unfavorable, so they had to make a concession.
Century Group's equity, and give Stone Han Xu, Xia Yuying, nfl national strength and the Big Dipper several people from the nfl side prorated As a result, not in the nfl grip Horizon's equity reached 22.5%. But,cheap nfl jerseys, in return, the zero point of the company's total liquidity reached $ 10.0 billion, factories and other real estate costs only a total of one hundred million, but its value can not be estimated, only that production workshop has been valued at more than ten billion yuan. As for the base, then is priceless but these can not be turned into cash, more can not be learned by the outside world, in the financial statements, the price of these fixed assets as billion plus marketing network is valued at approximately $ 500 million in Statistics the zero point of the data,

Monday, September 3, 2012

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Because tomorrow to school, wait until the Chief of Staff of the car while Dong Wenlong's parents came back to school, nfl, and Dong Wenlong.
Xu Yiyun quarters of the girls since last understanding nfl, has been waiting for the nfl to honor his promise to treat apologize to rest two days can not find the nfl Tuesday nfl accompany Dong Wenlong went to the troops apprentice, so Wednesday morning must call the phone requirements tonight to ask them to dinner. nfl them no way that he consented.
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Familiar with the girls, and plenty of opportunities later, the hearts also relieved only asking for the nfl they do not forget to mention his name.
In addition to the weekend, Wednesday night is the largest student gatherings, small restaurants in the campus are mostly full, looking for a long time, a few hundred meters from the school to find a clean restaurant, find a box to sit down.
May be the day Dong Wenlong say more, but the guy looks very handsome, these girls the impression that he did not see him, ask him where to go. Nfl explained that he worshiped a

Sunday, September 2, 2012

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Her parents would come back to see her later Gounan Nv Hunbuxiaqu in Tokyo, and ran back to Chiba, but to meet them just deserted the ancestral home.
Yuko Ogura famous, they noticed the girl just like angelic purity, because her name 'Yuko' word. Later asked around and found Yuko father and mother, and Yuko side broker Yoko Chiba Office procedures for adoption, middle mysteries, so the two Gou Nannv trying to get close to Yuko.
To this end also but there is little people can not believe that both of them are very ordinary looks, how likely to give birth to this outstanding Yuko incredible girl? Even they both could not believe. Yuko's father suspected her wife ever affair, but the the Yuko mother are the kind of look over as soon as deliberately forgotten woman, other men generally do not have any bad attempt on her final confirmation Ogura Yuko own biological children, Yuko Ogura I was not ashamed to say that this is a manifestation of his excellent cells.
The two Gou Nannv know the the Yuko Ogura broker is her nominal guardian, began to use every means to get closer to the look. Woman inherently has a flood of compassion, they will be dressed as a terminally ill child parents come Yoko, said their son dying eyes pleasure of seeing the dream idol, of course, that terminally ill children is played by Yuko Ogura diehard FANS. both of them acting can be really realistic ah Yoko tears cheated a lot, also took the initiative to persuade Yuko went to see them.
But I did not think Yoko Yuko brought before them, everything changed, they suddenly become the parents of Yuko, and that terminally ill children jumped up and ask Yuko signature, which When Yoko did not know he was fooled.
However, the evidence in front Yoko is not the kind of people to destroy the evidence can be got under the heart, she can also be understood as they want to compensate for no fault of their own to close Yuko weak nature of her letting a big But she thought, if they really love Yuko ruthlessly discarded Yuko more than ten years ago, how could it? now the Yuko famous and then came to her parents in the end is what people, in fact, do not think there should be able to guess, but the woman really is a kind of vulnerable groups, the persecution of the face of a wolf, she repeatedly patience.
However, she did not expect this today Gounan Nv want to put forward their own when Yuko broker requirements, but also to clear in front of Yuko in today, they can not give up the cash cow threatens to hand.
Came Yuko Ogura luxury apartment,oakley jupiter sunglasses, Yuko Ogura parents kind of greedy nature is exposed, to see what will say: Well, Yuko, you had a really good ah, what they also give us two elderly people to buy a house, we also enjoy enjoying a. they completely forget the crimes of their own abandoned young girls, who really frightening animals.
Yuko Ogura hiding in the sofa, fear, looking at the two men and women,create your own air max, there is no feeling of intimacy, at the moment of her heart, has been completely haze surrounded.
Yoko money seeing the guys, watching these two see heart