Sunday, September 9, 2012

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ow major also really would say unlucky ah ...
Submarine lights suddenly sparking shrill sirens echoed in each cabin.
The captain stood up suddenly jump up to go towards the cab. Wang Linbin and Hisao Koizumi stood up, perplexed sailors looked around hurriedly pass,shox nz 2.0, I do not know what happened. Stunned the will of God, two of this and ran toward the cab.
The submarine is dive. Two people stumbled into the wheelhouse, just to hear just an observation post in the above report with the captain.
... About nine thousand yards, three warships, one large and two small, just found out. Report of the captain, the two armies on the intelligence coordination, these waters there is no authentic nfl warships activities.
, Combat roles continue to dive, raised periscope periscope depth is reached, to maintain the level of one-third horsepower deceleration forward, sounding hammer throw! Understand, Captain. Have just said the same thing, but said at the time when the boats atmosphere seemed more relaxed, now feeling nervous, people feel very depressed. Overhead light into dark red, everyone in the cab and machine Phi can layer hazy reddish Wang Linbin quietly stand in captain captain behind, listening to the submarine down sneak, the sea extrusion submarines, issued a slight crunching sound, although the sound is very light, made Wang Linbin horror.
Has come to periscope depth,discount oakleys, raised periscope. Submarine dive ten meters has been to periscope depth. Hissing burst of motor rotation sound, the periscope rose up, the capta

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