Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Thought here nfl has no worries, suddenly calm and composed, calm water, subconsciously turned to look around, but see the the entire hilltop gales originally lush shade of a tree, such as the cover of the forest has been destroyed by more than three percent, the East the face of the most serious damage, the most towering old trees were uprooted, broken branches and leaves flying in the air, and soon without a trace, the ground leaving a seat pit, the remnants of trees left bare trunk, along with winds blowing constantly, they are rattling shaky.
Look at the north of the Chamber, although is also in ruins, but basically well-preserved roof tiles, houses along the hook the eaves has already seen thirty feet high Tingmen left a large door frame, two lions cross lying, and west of the square move slowly, but the Chamber walls with boulders to build from strong exception, the giant trees paved the roof is firmly nailed to the wall, the house nine bulky cylindrical dispersed tremendous pressure.
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Mountain outside the flood has risen more than one hundred meters, all sides are monstrous waves, menacing, this He volts, each channel of not less than two or three hundred meters from the mountain, one after the impact, the deafening loud noise represents a large rock began to shred, no doubt, the mountain below certainly long been emptied less than half, the individual waves has reached the top, the original cliffs collapsed forward depths continue to extend, Huangshan like bamboo shoots like is peel layers gradually narrow the area of ​​the Peak, now only under less than 80%, this rate does not take half an hour, four weeks all the forest will disappear bare Square can not stand how long time.
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nfl gently shook his head, the heart knows his own standing in this for a long time, just an opening statement, under the impact of such waves, Huangshan can support one or two hour has not yet come, but the more horrible sight. Once the nine dragon appears in the vicinity, in less than half an hour, Huangshan will be completely destroyed, a pile of rubble, lost forever in this world, of course, the same is true of our own destiny.
Staring Broken Chamber and stand tall

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

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